Classical Musicians Fashion Shoot クラシック音楽家とファッションシュート
Last Friday I met three classical musicians, Risa, Nanaka, and Kyoko for a fashion shoot at Noritake Garden (ノリタケの森) near Nagoya Station. Risa plays violin, Nanaka is a singer, and Kyoko plays the piano. They will have a performance of the Nutcracker on November 27th. You can visit Risa's blog page to get more information. I have photographed a recital by Risa and Nanaka before, but this time we decided to do a fashion shoot instead. I love doing shoots in Noritake because the brick walls of the tableware factory make a great background with a European feel. We had nice weather and we got a chuckle out of trying to come up with poses. It was a pleasure to spend time with three classy ladies, who are also excellent musicians. If you have a chance, please try to see their performance while seating is still available. Here is Risa's blog site: